About Me

Hi! I’m Belen, I am a special education teacher with a passion for cooking! I live with my husband and our baby in Maryland and work in a bilingual public school.

I was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador. As a kid, I loved cooking with my dad and he would always call me his “little helper.” As the years went by, I started exploring on my own and I started baking. I made cookies, cakes, and cupcakes and shared them with friends and co-workers. I suddenly found myself selling cakes and cupcakes for birthday parties.  

Fast forward a few years, I came to the U.S for my masters, landed a job as a special education teacher, got married, had a baby and now I cook everyday meals!

My husband and I grew up with very different types of food on our tables, but we both enjoy a good meal and love talking about food! Some of my childhood recipes are now a staple in our household, and I am hoping to bring many more to our repertoire.  I hope to share all this and more with you here!

Why Kosher Latina?

Let’s keep it simple… I am a Jewish, Latina = Jewtina, and I keep kosher. In this blog you will find recipes that follow kosher dietary laws. 

Now we can complicate it a bit… I don’t mix meat and milk; this means, separate pots, pans, and utensils for each. I don’t eat pork, shellfish or any insect, so you won’t find recipes with those foods here. I do try to find substitutes that still make for delicious meals. Stay tuned!